On Sept. 11, a date predetermined by state law, residents of the district will be asked to vote on the following referendum. Sixty-percent of voters much approve of the referendum for it to pass:
Shall the Board of Directors of the Monticello Community School District, in the Counties of Jones, Delaware, Linn and Dubuque, State of Iowa, be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue general obligation bonds in an amount not exceeding $15,000,000 for the purpose of furnishing, equipping, constructing, improving, repairing and renovating school buildings and improving the sites therefor including a new 5-8 grade building located on the existing high school campus, energy and mechanical improvements to existing school buildings, and other site and building improvements?
Want to vote for the 2018 Bond Issue before the September 11, 2018 voting day? Satellite voting will be held in the High School Commons on August 15th and 16th from 5-9pm. The same voter registration rules will apply. Bring a valid photo ID with you. Voting is open to residents of the Monticello Community School District.
Polls will open September 11, 2018 at 7 am and close at 8 pm.
The only location to vote is the Monticello Berndes Center | 766 N Maple Street, Monticello, IA 52310
Satellite voting will be held in the High School Commons on August 15th and 16th. The same voter registration rules will apply. Bring a valid photo ID with you. Voting is open to residents of the Monticello Community School District. Absentee ballots will be available after August 13, 2018.
Request an ABSENTEE BALLOT! (Friday, August 31, 2018 is the last day ballots may be mailed to voters – keep in mind that postal delivery is now two to five days):