Welcome to the Monticello Community School District Technology Department!
My name is Robyn and I added the role of Technology Director for the district to my Curriculum and Special Programs Director Role in 2023. Technology is vital for success in any school district. Education requires the use and understanding of technology, including aspects like access to the Internet, online curriculum, digital printing systems, data storage, phone systems, Learning Management Systems, Chromebooks, iPads, Online Registration, and communication platforms.
The Monticello School District is a 1 to 1 school district. Students in kindergarten through 2nd Grade students receive iPads and students in 3rd-Grade through 12th-Grade students receive a Chromebook. Students will use these devices for 3-4 years and then they will be replaced with new devices. The K-4th Grader students use the same iPad or Chromebook all day, and then store them at school in charging carts. Students in grades 5-12 are allowed to take their Chromebooks home throughout the school year. They are responsible to keep them in good shape and use them for any school work assigned.
The District has an AUP (Authorized User Policy) which explains the District’s expectations on student computer usage as well as district technology policies. The district also has a Technology Handbook for the Chromebook Initiative for students in 5th-12th grades. This handbook goes into more detail about student expectations and responsibilities for their Chromebook both at school and at home.
In addition to my Director’s position, there are 2 other positions in the technology department. Michael Robertson is the District Systems Analyst, and Morgan Murray-Zimmerman is the Special Programs Assistant, which includes being the technology Help Desk contact. The Help Desk helps for the many areas of technology problems that arise throughout the year. Questions on E-registration, Infinite Campus, and Online Payments are examples of things Mrs. Murray-Zimmerman can help with.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions related to technology.
Robyn Ponder
Curriculum and Special Programs Director