We invite you to join us for a summer full of adventure, time with friends and lots of fun!
In the summer we provide: breakfast, afternoon snack, planned activities & field trips, and a fun place to be!
You supply: lunch, money for field trips, money for the pool, and sunscreen.
Here are some of the fun activities we have planned for the summer:
- Swim days every Thursday
- Quiet time daily for reading
- A cooking day each week
- Special days such as dress-up days, guest speakers, movie days, science exploration, and more!
- Field trips could include: Creative Adventure Lab, Old Creamery Theater, Cedar Rapids Kernels, National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium, Niabi Zoo, Collins Road Theaters, Skate Country, Legacy Lanes, Whispering Pines, Public Library, Parks, and the Monticello Aquatic Center.
A calendar will be given out before the first week of the summer program.