The Mission of the Monticello Community Schools, a District striving for educational excellence, is to prepare students through challenging experiences, to be caring, productive, creative citizens who will possess a desire to be life-long learners.
2024-25 Board of Education

Back row: Mark Rieken, Craig Stadtmueller, John Schlarmann
Board Member | Office | Term Expires | Email Address |
Mark Rieken | Member | 2025 | Mark Rieken Email |
Mandy Norton | Vice President | 2025 | Mandy Norton Email |
Craig Stadtmueller | President | 2025 | Craig Stadtmueller Email |
Tony Amsler | Member | 2027 | Tony Amsler Email |
John Schlarmann | Member | 2027 | John Schlarmann Email |
Board Committees:
Negotiations/Labor Relations – Mandy Norton
Grounds/Transportation – Mark Rieken
Education – Tony Amsler
Finance – John Schlarmann
The Board President serves on all committees.
The board of the Monticello Community School District, acting on behalf of the school district, will have jurisdiction over school matters within the territory of the school district. The board is empowered to make policy for its own governance, for employees, for students and for school district facilities. The board is also empowered to enforce its policies. The board may, through its quasi-judicial power, conduct hearings and rule on issues and disputes confronting the school district. The board has these powers and all other powers expressly granted to it in federal and state law as well as the powers that can be reasonably implied from the express powers. Because all powers of the board derived from the state statutes are granted in terms of action as a group, individual board members exercise authority over district affairs only as they vote to take action at a legal meeting of the board. In other instances, an individual board member, including the president, will have power only when the board, by vote, has delegated authority. The board may transact business only with a quorum present during a regular or special meeting. The board will make its members, the district staff, and the public aware that only the board acting as a whole has the authority to take official action.
Board Meetings
Board meetings are held on the 4th Monday of each month starting at 6:00 PM at the Board Room in the District Office located at 850 E Oak Street, Monticello. Board work sessions are on the 2nd Wednesday of each month starting at 6:00 PM in the Board Room unless otherwise noted. All changes in time and/or location will be posted. Click here for the Board of Education meeting dates for 2024-25!
Addressing Board of Directors at Meetings
“Board Meetings are meetings in front of the public, not of the public.” Those wishing to address the Monticello Board of Education will be invited to do so by the Board President during each open meeting. Individuals will identify themselves by signing in on a sheet provided indicating the topic they wish to address. Comments will be limited to three (3) minutes or less and will address only items on the agenda for that meeting and are subject to the approval of the Superintendent and/or the Board President.
If an individual wishes to be listed on the printed agenda, a written request to do so will be submitted to the board secretary five (5) days prior to the date of the meeting. (e.g. for a meeting scheduled for Monday evening, the request would be submitted the prior Wednesday) for consideration by the Superintendent and Board President.
Positions or programs may be addressed, but derogatory comments may not be directed at an individual or individuals by name. Comments will be limited to facts and information. Remarks of an inflammatory or accusative nature will not be tolerated. At the discretion and acknowledgment of the Board President, the meeting may be opened up for discussion.
Information on How to Become a School Board Member
Any citizen of the United States who is at least 18 years of age, an eligible voter, and is a resident of the Monticello Community School District may run for an open position on the school board. Members are elected on an at-large basis and serve a four-year term. School board elections occur on odd-numbered years.
Those interested in running for a school board position must obtain a nomination petition from the board secretary at 850 E Oak Street, Monticello. The candidate must obtain signatures equaling one percent of the eligible voters in the district or 50 eligible voters, whichever is less. At least 10 signatures must be obtained.
The candidate must attach a notarized affidavit acknowledging their eligibility. There is a notary employed at the district office.
The petition must be filed with the board secretary before 5:00 PM on or before the 40th day preceding the election.
A position on the school board may be filled by a write-in candidate. Write-in candidates are not required to file a nomination petition.
Source: Iowa Association of School Boards
If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary, Judy Hayen or Superintendent, Dr. Brian Jaeger at 319-465-3000, option 1.