Hello everyone, I wanted to send this letter to all of our parents to notify you of the new legislative requirements to our attendance policy for the 24-25 school year. I wanted this letter to be proactive in an effort to avoid any of the required actions below. The full [Read More]
Shannon News
Elementary dismissing at Noon on Monday & Tuesday
Hello all, I know this information will not affect everyone, however, I wanted everyone to be in the information loop. It looks like the heat index values will be around 110 on both Monday and Tuesday. In an effort to help our families as they plan for the week, we [Read More]
Dr. Jaeger’s Weekly Video – 8/23/24
Welcome Back! Here is my first video for the 2024-25 school year. Please take a minute to watch. Have a great weekend! Brian Jaeger, Superintendent [Read More]
Service Fees Waived this Week!
Just a reminder... if you are paying online for registration fees or lunch, that this week (August 5-9) the service fees will be waived. Currently if you pay online using a debit or credit card a 3.5% service fee is charged and if you pay by e-check using your checking [Read More]
Online Registration is Open for the 2024-25 School Year!
Online registration (OLR) is now open! Registration for the Monticello Community School District for the 2024-25 school year will be done ONLINE again this year. All families are required to register their students in Infinite Campus through the process known as [Read More]