Friday, September 22, 2023 🔴⚫⚪SPIRIT DAY⚪⚫🔴 Seniors! Senior and baby pictures for the yearbook are due before winter break of senior year. Submit your Senior photo and have one thing crossed off the senior to-do list! A free option is available for a yearbook photo [Read More]
HS Announcements
If you click on the date of the announcement, a page that contains just that day's announcements will open up.
9/21/23 Student Bulletin
Thursday, September 21, 2023 Homecoming gear is in the office! You can pick it up before school, during lunch, or after school!! Thursday USA… Friday 🔴⚫⚪ S P I R I T D A Y 🔴⚫⚪ Seniors! Senior and baby pictures [Read More]
9/20/23 Student Bulletin
Tuesday, September 19, 2023 Homecoming gear is in the office! You can pick it up before school, during lunch, or after school!! Wednesday 🌺 Hawaiian 🌺 Thursday USA… Friday 🔴⚫⚪ S P I R I T D A Y [Read More]
9/19/23 Student Bulletin
Tuesday, September 19, 2023 Homecoming gear is in the office! You can pick it up before school, during lunch, or after school!! Tuesday 🤠Country vs. 🎾 Country Club Wednesday 🌺 Hawaiian 🌺 [Read More]
9/18/23 Student Bulletin
Monday, September 18, 2023 Monday: Color Wars! Seniors: ..White.. Juniors: Blue Sophomores: Red Freshmen: Black Tuesday 🤠Country vs. 🎾 Country Club Wednesday 🌺 Hawaiian 🌺 [Read More]