Friday, April 12th, 2024 ISASP Testing SENIORS: Your Express Questionnaire is due to the office by 4:00 today! PROM DANCE FORMS: Due back to the office by 4:00 today! Announcements Prom Information Important Dates Silver Service [Read More]
HS Announcements
If you click on the date of the announcement, a page that contains just that day's announcements will open up.
4/11/24 Student Bulletin
Thursday, April 11th, 2024 ISASP Testing Announcements Prom Information Important Dates Silver Service Opportunities Please let Mr. Thumma know if you can help, it would also be a great opportunity for H.S. students to earn Silver Service [Read More]
Wednesday, April 10th, 2024 1:00 Dismissal Attention Seniors: Jostens will be here today during lunch to deliver your graduation items. Please note that you will need to pay in full prior to getting your items. If you have a balance due or any questions, [Read More]
4/9/24 Student Bulletin
Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 Announcements Prom Information Important Dates Silver Service Opportunities Please let Mr. Thumma know if you can help, it would also be a great opportunity for H.S. students to earn Silver Service Hours! Employment [Read More]
4/5/24 Student Bulletin
Monday, April 8th, 2024 Announcements Prom Information Important Dates Silver Service Opportunities Please let Mr. Thumma know if you can help, it would also be a great opportunity for H.S. students to earn Silver Service Hours! Employment [Read More]