Welcome Back! Here is my first video for the 2024-25 school year. Please take a minute to watch. Have a great weekend! Brian Jaeger, Superintendent [Read More]
HS News
Service Fees Waived this Week!
Just a reminder... if you are paying online for registration fees or lunch, that this week (August 5-9) the service fees will be waived. Currently if you pay online using a debit or credit card a 3.5% service fee is charged and if you pay by e-check using your checking [Read More]
Online Registration is Open for the 2024-25 School Year!
Online registration (OLR) is now open! Registration for the Monticello Community School District for the 2024-25 school year will be done ONLINE again this year. All families are required to register their students in Infinite Campus through the process known as [Read More]
For Sale!
Used Vulcan 10 Burner Commercial Stove with Two Ovens The Monticello Community School District has a used 10 burner commercial stove with two ovens for sale. Works well. Minimum bid $500. Sold as is, where is. You haul. We will be accepting bids until noon on [Read More]
Summer Office Hours
The High School office will be open from 8:00am—Noon, Monday through Thursday. Closed Fridays. The District office is open daily in the summer Monday-Friday from 8:00-4:00 (unless otherwise posted). Shannon, Carpenter, and the Middle School offices are open the first couple [Read More]