Friday, February 7th, 2025
🔴⚫ Good luck to Izzy Taylor at State Wrestling today!! ⚫🔴
National School Counseling Week
Stop in and tell Mrs. Larson THANK YOU for all she does for MHS!
Senior Census results are in, drum roll please!:
Most Likely to Win an Award: Jack Lambert and Jayden Kuper
Most Creative: Karli Schwendinger and Zander Alden
Most Panther Spirit: Myra Wilson and Tate Jesenovec
Biggest Flirt: Dalton Holub and Myra Wilson
Most Changed: Urijah Etzel, Mia Riches, and Tyler Eastin
Most Likely to Win the Lottery and Lose the Ticket: Benjamin Zirkelbach and Lydia Ahlrichs
Class Clown: Arrianna Jones and Kevin Chapman
Most Likely to Save the World: Alex Prull and Leah Koehler
Most Cheerful: Jessica Stadtmueller and Jack Lambert
Life of the Party: Will Wolken and Lydia Ahlrichs
Best Actor/Actress: Royce Kiburz and Kendall Siebels
Most Musical: Karli Schwendinger, River Smith, and Lorelei Rieken
And, Last but not least, the unsung category, Most Likely to be Late, and please let these people know they got this nomination, because they’re probably not here yet:
Most Likely to be Late: JoAnna Patterson, River Smith, and Lorelei Rieken
PICTURES for the Senior Census Feature Story will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 11, 11:10am in the Commons.
Haven’t purchased the Take ’25 MHS Yearbook yet? Take advantage of a promotional sale that ends this Friday – you’ll be glad you bought this yearbook full of laughs, love, and your life. Everybody is in the book! Here’s the link to buy: MHS 2025 Take ’25 Yearbook
- Seniors interested in applying to be a DARE Role Model please send a brief essay email to Officer Graver explaining why you want to be a role model. Please include your phone number and t-shirt size. Essay is due February 21st.
Important Dates
- Wednesday, February 12, 19, 26: 1:00 Dismissal
Silver Service Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
Guidance News
- If you are interested in doing a Summer Internship with Workplace Learning Connection, the deadline for applying is this Friday. See Mrs. Larson with questions.
- Seniors: Make sure you are checking the scholarship page! Those deadlines are coming up faster than you might think!
- Here is the link for the activities calendar
- Girls State Wrestling–Good luck, Izzy!
- Basketball at Northeast @ 4:00
- Saturday: Boys basketball at Center Point-Urbana @ 2:00
Monday: Grilled chicken sandwich, wedge fries, baked beans, fruit cup
Today: Pizza crunchers, three bean salad, corn, melon