Monday, September 30, 2024
Virtual Learning Information
Virtual Learning Job Shadows
Can I shadow a teacher or other employee in our district?
Yes. Please see the specific instructions for each building on how to make contact and schedule a job shadow. Make sure to follow these procedures.
I want to shadow an elementary school teacher/staff member…who do I contact?
Please call the building secretary and request a job shadow experience. You should be prepared to let them know the grade level or position you would like to shadow, as well as some times and dates you would be available. The secretary will arrange this experience and get back to you with the information.
Sandy Hinrichs – Shannon Elementary
Karla Stahlberg – Carpenter Elementary
I want to shadow a middle school teacher/staff member…who do I contact?
Please contact the teacher you would like to shadow directly and make arrangements. Once those are made, contact Angie Shady, Building Secretary, and let her know the date, time, and person you will be shadowing. You will need to check in with her when you arrive for your job shadow.
I want to shadow a high school teacher/staff member…who do I contact?
Please reach out to the teacher or staff member directly. You should be prepared to share what you would like to see/learn and provide some times and dates you would be available.
- If you didn’t get your school photos or your new lunch card, please stop in the office to pick it up. You will only have a new card if you had your picture taken on picture day.
- Weight room open from 3:30-4:15 on the following dates: 9/30
Important Dates
- Wednesday, October 2: 1:00 Dismissal
- Wednesday, October 2: Josten’s meeting with Seniors and Sophomores
- Wednesday, October 9: 1:00 Dismissal
- Wednesday, October 9: Place Josten’s order
- Wednesday, October 16: 1:00 Dismissal
- Thursday, October 24: 1:00 Dismissal
- Tuesday, October 29: Parent-Teacher Conferences 4-8 pm
- Friday, November 1: No School
- Tuesday, November 5: Picture Retakes
- Tuesday, November 5: Parent-Teacher Conferences 4-8 pm
- Wednesday, November 6: 1:00 Dismissal
Silver Service Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
Guidance News
- Job Shadow Experiences: Deadline extended to Thursday, October 3rd at noon
- Harvest Experience and Combine Ride Along Day meant for kids that have not been exposed to this and are not “farm kids.” This event will take place on Oct 15th, weather permitting. (20 max and we currently have 2)
- Jones County Conservation Day at Central Park in Anamosa on Oct. 18th from 9:00-12:00. (We currently have 2 registered. I need to double check with them on the max for this event as there is not one currently listed.)
- Engineering and Machining Careers in Advanced Manufacturing at Metal Design Systems in Anamosa on Nov. 12th from 9:00-11:30.
- All students will need to have an account in our portal. If they have never started or finished a job shadow application with us, they will need to create a new student account here. If they have already created an account, they will not need to create another one.
- We will need all students to have their parents sign the attached form and either send it to me or give it to Kathy Larson and she can get it to me.
If students have any questions, they can contact Julie Welter:
Office: 319-465-2313
- Here is the link for the activities calendar
- Today: Ham and Turkey sub, Sun Chips, celery and carrots, applesauce and blueberries
- Tomorrow: Teriyaki chicken, seasoned rice, oriental veggies, mandarin oranges, dinner roll