Student Bulletin: Monday, May 15, 2023
Day 2
- Volleyball girls—please sign up in the office if you are interested in playing next year
- Seniors–check for an email from Mrs. Carlson regarding important information about returning your Chromebooks and moving information from one account to another
- Seniors – You need to be staying current in your lunch account balance. All balances need to be paid before you graduate.
Important Dates
- Tuesday, May 16–Driver’s ed meeting at 5:00 pm
- Wednesday, May 17–1:00 dismissal
- Tuesday, May 23–NHS Induction Night @ 7:00 pm
- Tuesday, May 23–Senior Honors Night @ 7:45 pm
- Wednesday, May 24–1:00 dismissal
- Wednesday, May 24–Seniors last day!
- Sunday, May 28–Graduation Ceremony at Dean Nelson Field @ 2:00
- Monday, May 29–No School
- Thursday, June 1–Last day of school 1:00 dismissal
Silver Service Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
Guidance News
- Are you undecided about future career plans? meet with a Career Counselor via Zoom. Space is limited so contact Julie Welter (julie.welter@kirkwood.edu) ASAP to set up an appointment.
- SENIORS: Here is the link to access scholarship information. Please note that the links are updated as we get them. If you have any questions on a specific scholarship, please email Alyssa (alyssa.mcnally@monticello.k12.ia.us).
- Today: French toast sticks, sausage links, mixed vegetables, applesauce
- Tomorrow: Popcorn chicken, seasoned rice, steamed broccoli, diced peaches