Who do I talk to about my schedule?
The school counselor.
What is the early out schedule?
For the High School:
Go to schools, High School, and Schedules. Or click here!
For the Middle School:
Go to schools, Middle School, and Schedules. Or click here!
What activities are available?
Check out our activities page to see all available activities.
What is for lunch today?
Go to Departments, Food & Nutrition, and then on the right hand side there will be a link to the current month’s breakfast and lunch schedules. Or click here to go to the Food & Nutrition page.
What exploratory do I have?
Student exploratory classes change at semester. Log into your student Infinite Campus account to view your schedule and see your exploratory class.
What is Standards Referenced Reporting (SRR)?
Standards Referenced Reporting (SRR) is a research-based approach to assessing and reporting student achievement. SRR focuses on what students know and are able to do. Teachers teach, assess and provide constant feedback to students on where they are currently in their learning, where they need to go to meet each standard, and how they will reach each standard. Interventions and enrichment are provided to students based on where they are with their learning and understanding. When a student struggles to reach proficiency, MCSD staff intervene on the student’s behalf to provide interventions and additional opportunities to learn and relearn the standards. If a student demonstrates proficiency on a standard prior to teaching and learning occurring, MCSD staff provide enrichment opportunities to enhance student application of the standard.
HS Standards-Referenced Reporting Handbook
MS Standards-Referenced Reporting Handbook
When is Homecoming 2025?
September 16-21
When is Spring Break 2025?
March 17-21
When is Prom 2025?
April 12
When is Honors Night 2025?
May 20
When is the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony 2025?
May 20
When is Baccalaureate 2025?
When is Graduation 2025?
May 25 @ 2pm
Where do you find the activities calendar on the website?
It is located on a few pages:
On the Home page – click on the Calendar hot button
Under Quick Links – click on Family Quick Links then click on Activities Calendar
Under Student Links – click on Student Quick Links then click on Calendars
Where do I find Scholarship information?
Scholarship information can be found on the High School Counselors page. From the home screen, go to Schools, High School, Counseling, and then there is a scholarship link on the right! Or click here!
How do I…
How do alumni request transcripts?
Contact the HS Guidance Office at 319-465-3000, option 2 or alyssa.mcnally@monticello.k12.ia.us
How do I get a school Permit?
- Must be at least 14 ½ years old.
- Must have successfully completed the Driver’s Education course.
- Must have had Instruction/Learner’s Permit & clean record for at least 6 months.
- Must live at least 1 mile from the school’s front-drive to your driveway.
- Must have Affidavit for School License form signed by School and Parent/Guardian.
Find out more here!
How do I register for Kirkwood Classes?
Talk to the high school office about next steps and deadlines.
How do I make an appointment with the counselor?
Call or email the counselor or your school office.
How do I open my locker and what do I do if I can’t?
Contact your school office.
How can I improve my grade?
1. Attend school regularly
2. Put in the work and effort
3. Complete all assignments
4. Talk to your teacher
How much…
How much are replacement lunch tickets?
How much are parking tags?
1st one is free, replacements or 2nd one is $2
How much are athletic punch cards?
Athletic punch cards are available for purchase at the high school and district office or online. Prices are as follows:
10 punch card $50 for adults
10 punch card $40 for students & senior citizens 65 & over
How much is admission to activities?
Athletic admission prices for this year:
High School Events:
$7 for ALL adults, students, and senior citizens
Junior High Events:
$5 for adults
FREE for students and senior citizens 65 and older
How much are high school transcripts?