Who do I contact for transportation?
Call the Transportation Department at 319-465-3000, option 7. More transportation info can be found here!
What is Standards Referenced Reporting (SRR)?
Standards Referenced Reporting (SRR) is a research-based approach to assessing and reporting student achievement. SRR focuses on what students know and are able to do. Teachers teach, assess and provide constant feedback to students on where they are currently in their learning, where they need to go to meet each standard, and how they will reach each standard. Interventions and enrichment are provided to students based on where they are with their learning and understanding. When a student struggles to reach proficiency, MCSD staff intervene on the student’s behalf to provide interventions and additional opportunities to learn and relearn the standards. If a student demonstrates proficiency on a standard prior to teaching and learning occurring, MCSD staff provide enrichment opportunities to enhance student application of the standard.
HS Standards-Referenced Reporting Handbook
MS Standards-Referenced Reporting Handbook
When is Homecoming 2025?
September 16-21
When is Spring Break 2025?
March 17-21
When is Prom 2025?
April 12
When is Honors Night 2025?
May 20
When is the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony 2025?
May 20
When is Baccalaureate 2025?
When is Graduation 2025?
May 25 @ 2pm
Where can I find the monthly newsletters?
We publish a monthly newsletter called The School Spirit. Individual issues can be found here. It is also sent out on School Messenger to our parents.
Where do I find Scholarship information?
Scholarship information can be found on the High School Counselors page. From the home screen, go to Schools, High School, Counseling, and then there is a scholarship link on the right! Or click here!
How do I…
How do I enroll my child?
If you live in the district or plan to move to the district, please contact the school building where your children will attend or you may also contact the District Office. All buildings can be reached at 319-465-3000. Building grade levels are listed below:
Shannon Elementary (Grades PreK-1st)
Carpenter Elementary (Grades 2-4)
Monticello Middle School (Grades 5-8)
Monticello High School (Grades 9-12)
How do I open enroll my child?
Open Enrollment is the process by which parents/guardians residing in an Iowa district may enroll their children into another Iowa school district under the terms and conditions of Iowa Code section 282.18 and 281–Iowa Administrative Code chapter 17. Open Enrollment applications must be submitted to the resident and to the receiving districts. Find more information here!
How do I find the school calendar?
The School Calendar can be found here.
How do I sign up to get notifications from my school?
We now use School Messenger as our notification system. As part of our enrollment into the School Messenger Notification System, you can opt-in to receive text messages for weather-related announcements, school emergencies, general notifications, and more. However, because of communication regulations, you must choose to receive these text messages. If you do not complete the steps to opt-in, you will not get any text alerts from the school.
Steps to OPT-IN:
- Open a new text message on your mobile phone
- Enter 67587 into the recipient field (who you are going to send the message to)
- Type Yes into the body of the text
- Push send

You should receive a text message right away saying that you are now enrolled in the Monticello text alert system. Sometimes this can take up to 24 hours. If you do not receive a message within 24 hours, please contact Morgan Murray-Zimmerman at morgan.murray@monticello.k12.ia.us or 319-320-1132.
*If you do NOT want to receive text messages from the MCSD, simply do not respond to the text message.
Each parent/guardian that has a student enrolled at MCSD will also get our email notifications. In order to get these text messages and emails, you need to be sure you have a valid cell phone # and email in your Infinite Campus account. LOGIN TODAY and verify your information!
How do I check my lunch balance?
Log into your Infinite Campus account and click on food service.
How do I pay online?
The Monticello Community School District provides parents an easy way to make payments for students online. You can log into your Infinite Campus account and pay with a credit card, debit card, or e-check. This gives parents a convenient payment option when paying for school expenses such as registration fees, placing money into a student lunch account, preschool payments, and Panther Academy payments.
Note: A convenience fee of 3.50% will be charged at checkout for the convenience of making your online payment via credit card, only 35 cents for an e-check. (Please note: The District does not make any money by offering this service. The 3.50% convenience fee is charged in order to cover the District’s cost for each transaction.)
How much is..
How much are athletic punch cards?
Athletic punch cards are available for purchase at the high school and district office or online. Prices are as follows:
10 punch card $50 for adults
10 punch card $40 for students & senior citizens 65 & over
How much is admission to activities?
Athletic admission prices for this year:
Junior High Events:
$5 for adults
FREE for students & senior citizens 65 & older
High School Events:
$7 for ALL adults, students, & senior citizens